
This is just a memo for me.

Bump up the version

Edit and commit.


If you set the version suffix -SNAPSHOT, it will be handled as a snapshot.

Commit changes

Before the final confirmation and release, make sure that there are no uncommitted changes in your repository.

Confirm test

Check if all tests pass at your machine.

./gradlew clean :library:assemble :library:connectedCheck

Upload archives

Set the credentials

If this is the first time for uploading archives, you must write credentials to ~/.gradle/



./gradlew :library:uploadArchives

Or you can clean, test and upload at once.

./gradlew clean :library:assemble :library:connectedCheck :library:uploadArchives

Close the repo on Sonatype

Open Sonatype Nexus Professional on your browser, find your repo and close it. If there are no problems, repository will be staged to the URL like this.

You will receive an email with title "Nexus: Staging Completed", you can know the appropriate URL from the email.

Set the URL to the repositories in your build.gradle, and sync.

repositories {
  maven {
    url uri('')


After that, click "Release" to promote. If it's processed successfully, you will receive an email with title "Nexus: Promotion Completed".

It takes 3 or 4 hours to be synced to the Maven Central Repository.

Create tag, update synced version and push

If it's successfully published to the Maven Central Repository,

  • create a tag like v1.5.0
  • update the SYNCED_VERSION_NAME in
  • push the master branch and the tag to GitHub