Added header view feature to ObservableGridView (#148).
Added footer view feature to ObservableGridView (#183).
Updated recyclerview-v7 library version to 22.2.0.
Fixed ViewPager swiping bug in ObservableListView (#185).
Fixed NPE in ObservableRecyclerView (#149).
Fix ObservableGridView to use first child of line in height calculation.
Fix scrollY of onScrollChanged in ObservableGridView jumps
when the first visible item changes.
Add a helper class CacheFragmentStatePagerAdapter to implement ViewPager pattern.
Fix that swipe down (over-scroll) causes item click.
Add a custom view named TouchInterceptionFrameLayout and a new API setTouchInterceptionViewGroup() for Scrollable. With these class and API, you can move Scrollable itself using its scrolling events.
Add a helper class ScrollUtils for implementing scrolling effects.
Fix that ObservableRecyclerView causes BadParcelableException on onRestoreInstanceState.
Fix that onDownMotionEvent not called and parameters of onScrollChanged are incorrect
when children views handle touch events.
Add new interface Scrollable to provide common API for scrollable widgets.
Fix that the scroll states and other internal information are lost after onSaveInstanceState().
Fix that the scrollY is incorrect if the ListView/RecyclerView don't scroll from the top.
(It's just approximating the scroll offset and not the complete solution but better than before.)
Add GridView support.
Fix ObservableListView cannot detect onScrollChanged on Android 2.3.
Fix ObservableScrollView cannot detect UP and DOWN state in onUpOrCancelMotionEvent before Android 4.4.